How to Detect Blood Cancer ? - Blood Cancer Diagnosis Tests

Blood Cancer Diagnosis

Want to know what are the best blood cancer diagnosis methods? Don't know how to detect blood cancer?? Want to know the best hospitals for Blood cancer treatment? Every year more than 10000 people are diagnosed with Blood Cancer, most commonly from Leukemia. The cancer of blood-forming tissue may hinder the ability of the body to fight the cancer cells. In Blood Cancer, the cancer cells target the parts where the formation of blood cells takes place i.e Bone Marrow. This infection will gradually lower the immunity of the body to fight foreign infected cells. Also, it is difficult to notice the changes taking place in the body. People rarely experience the changes which are taking place in the body because which makes it difficult for the cancer specialist to detect blood cancer at the initial stage. The primary and most common symptoms of Blood Cancer which a person can experience are:

  • Anemia
  • Coughing or chest pain
  • Fever or chills
  • Frequent infections
  • Itchy skin or rash
  • Loss of appetite or nausea
  • Night Sweats
  • Persistent weakness and fatigue
  • Shortness of breath
  • Swollen, painless lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, or groin
  • Poor Clotting
  • Girls Experience Heavy periods

These are some of the most common symptoms of Blood Cancer but again not to forget that these symptoms can vary from person to person. According to these symptoms, the doctors/ surgeon will decide how to diagnose blood cancer. The different factors which play a vital role in deciding the Blood Cancer diagnostic tests are:

  • Health and Age of the patient.
  • From which type of Blood Cancer is the patient suffering from?
  • What is the stage of Blood Cancer?
  • Has cancer reached its Metastasis state?

On the basis of reports of these tests, the doctor will conduct several detection tests. The options available for Blood Cancer Diagnosis are as follows:

How to Diagnose Blood Cancer

➤ Blood Test

Blood Test is the primary blood cancer diagnosis test which the doctors go for as this test let’s the doctor know about the count of Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Platelets present in the body. If these numbers are not up to the mark or we can say if the count of these cells is lower than the average count, then there is a possibility of Blood Cancer. To confirm this, many more test will be conducted.

Bone Marrow Biopsy

Bone Marrow is the site where the formation of cells takes place, and in structure, it is a spongy tissue inside your bones. So, through Bone Marrow Biopsy the actual health of the Bone Marrow and Cell Formation can be checked. There are two types of Bone Marrow which are present in the Body. The first one is of Red Color which is mainly found in the flat bones like hip and vertebrae whereas the yellow Bone Marrow is seen at an adult age due to the increase of fat cells in the body.

In total, the Bone Marrow Biopsy is a 60-minute process. First, the doctor will give you local anesthesia so that you can experience no pain. After this, the doctor will make a small incision from which a small needle can be inserted into the body. Now, this needle will be entered into the patient's bone by the doctor in order to get a cell of red bone marrow.

Now, the tests will be conducted on this Bone Marrow sample to check whether Bone Marrow is functioning correctly or not. If the Bone Marrow is working Properly, then it's alright but if it is not. Doctors go for next blood cancer diagnostic tests to check that why it is not functioning correctly.

Lymph Node Biopsy
Lymph Nodes are the small and oval-shaped organs present in the body. Through Lymph Node Biopsy, Doctors aim to remove either a small tissue of the lymph node in order to confirm the disease or the entire lymph node is removed, when the disease is confirmed. During this diagnosis, a small tissue of swollen lymph node is taken out from the patient's body. This tissue will now be checked under the microscope to find out the abnormalities. The different methods to perform Lymph Node Biopsies are:
  • Needle Biopsy
  • Open Biopsy
  • Sentinel Biopsy

Lumbar Puncture (Spinal Tap)

Lumbar Puncture is also a type of Blood Cancer Diagnostic Test. Lumbar Puncture is carried out to check the presence of leukemia cells in the fluid present around the Brain and Spinal Cord. This diagnostic test is carried out by inserting a needle into the space present between the bones present in your lower back. A small fluid is removed and checked under the microscope to confirm whether there is cancer or not.

The patient can experience a lot of discomfort and pain, so to minimize that local anesthesia is given to the patient.

Imaging Tests

CT scan, PET scan, and x-ray are the few types of imaging tests which are carried out on the patient to detect the changes which are taking place in the body. Most of the time PT Scan and CT Scan are combined for better results.

So, in this way, the Diagnosis of Blood Cancer can be done. Therefore, if you experience the Blood Cancer symptoms, go for an immediate blood cancer diagnosis tests as it is good to cure the disease at the right before it's too late. For the better understanding on this or if you have any query related to this, you can contact us via comment. Also, you have got an option to book an appointment with the experts of Candrol. You can do so by filling the contact form.
